Sacramento Costumers
The Sacramento Costumers group is a zero waste Cooperative workspace with an educational focus. We currently offer memberships, youth and adult workshops and our next generation designers program. This program is tailored for youth to learn how to design and make their own enterprises. We are the costumer to SacOpera. Ask us about our internships; we provide guided work experience course through Sacramento Community College.
These are the Sacramento Costumers.
The Interns
Nikki Spies
Nikki Spies is 17 years old, currently attending high school. She is the first high school intern studying under Sheilagh. She is enrolled in Women’s Studies at community college. She wants to grow as a designer and continue to develop her sewing skills.
Aaron Hoversten
Aaron Hoversten is 17 years old, and attends Oak Ridge high school. He is the youngest high school intern studying under Sheilagh. He plays two sports competitively and wants to gain more experience working with websites and to learn more about fashion.