Ava , 8 yo, has grown up in costume, taking on the identity of whichever character she dresses as. She began drawing recognizable clothing on futuristic looking humans. when she was 5, she began describing in words what she had drawn. From these descriptions, we have been able to produce garments to her stringent guidelines, to her satisfaction. Her stitching skillset is quite accomplished, as is her modeling style. When she is not designing, Ava enjoys arts in several mediums, reading, video games, astronomy and talking plants into growing tall and strong. With love for nature and detail, she embraces Zero waste and upcycle clothing designing in theory and practice.
Ava Lynne Thomas
Next Generation Costumer
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Alivia Jo Thomas
Next Generation Costumer
Liann Eddy
Next Generation Costumer
Eden Lane VanderDrift
Next Generation Costumer